Books and Clouds - Libros y Nubes

Pier Paolo Giarolo


In a remote village in the Peruvian Andes a little girl is waiting for the arrival of the new books brought in a rucksack by a volunteer, walking all the way in a journey lasting for several days.

In another village an old lady tells how to dye wool in a natural manner. All this material, as collected and transcribed by a volunteer, will make up one of the new books of the Enciclopedia Campesina (Rural Encyclopedia). Rural libraries in Peru are made up of a few dozen books which, once they are read, are carried on people's backs with indian corn and potatoes, to be exchanged to others between communities. Both message and messenger travel togheter, in a pristine landscape a few steps away from the clouds.


"Silberner Enzian" für bester technisch-künstlerischer Beitrag - Trento Film Festival

"Premio Soliedarità" -  61° Trento Film Festival "Étoile SCAM 2015"


Director: Pier Paolo Giarolo

Producers: Valerio B. Moser, Andreas Pichler  
Co-Producer: Pierre-Oliver Bardet (Ideale Audience, Paris/France).

2013 52 min / 75 min.


Visions du Reel

Trento Film Festival


I want to see the Manager


Squeezed Like Lemons